Bozhikov & Vatev Law Firm

Bozhikov Vatev law firm Sofia

Atty. Vladislav


Managing partner
Attorney-at-law, member of the Sofia Bar Association since 2016. Manages and organizes the overall activities of the office. He is thoroughly dedicated to establishing and developing relationships with the company’s customers.
Participates in various projects and advises clients on issues and cases in the following areas of law:

University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Master’s degree in Finance – 2015
University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Master’s degree in Law – 2014
Mathematics High School Geo Milev, Pleven – 2009

Additional qualifications:

National and European Medical Law, 2022
Law and Information Technology, 2022
Public Procurement in Healthcare, 2022
Completed training course on the regulation of cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies, 2021
Completed cybersecurity training course, 2021

Professional experience:

Vladislav Bozhikov is a founder and managing partner of the law firm. He has over 10 years of professional experience in providing legal advice to local and international clients.
He has extensive experience in a number of civil and commercial litigation, representing clients in a wide range of individual claims. Vladislav specializes in large-scale and complex corporate reorganizations and restructurings. He has gained solid experience both in the field of banking law and in the field of financial law. He has been engaged in the legal analysis and management of the loan portfolio of one of the largest Bulgarian commercial banks, leading to a successful outcome of multiple lawsuits against its debtors.
Vladislav has serious expertise and knowledge on issues related to medical and pharmaceutical law, which allows him to provide comprehensive advice to clients in the healthcare sector. He is a member of the Commission on Ethics of Research in Medicine and Healthcare.

Foreign languages:
English, German

Atty. Benislav


Managing partner

Attorney-at-law, member of the Sofia Bar Association since 2016.
Manages and organizes the overall activities of the law firm and is responsible for developing relationships with part of the company’s client portfolio.

Specializes in the following areas of law:

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Master of Laws – 2014
French Language School Alphonse de Lamartine, Sofia – 2009

Professional Experience:

Benislav Vatev is a founder and managing partner of the law firm. He has years of experience in providing legal advice to local and international clients.

During his professional career Benislav has worked and led a number of projects related to:

Comprehensive legal advice, legal analysis and development of a concept and documents for the sale of hotel complexes and buildings with long-term investment purposes

Acquisition of Bulgarian IT companies and companies in the services sector by foreign investment companies

Realization of the high requirements of the General Regulation for data protection in IT companies, marketing companies, medical establishments, water supply and sewerage operators, etc

Comprehensive assistance for the design and implementation of legal instruments for compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Measures Act for the clients of the law firm

Additional qualifications:

Completed cybersecurity training course, 2021

Completed training course on the regulation of cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies, 2021

Completed a course for “Data Protection Officer”, organized by the CPDP and Podkrepa Syndicate, 2019

Certificate for completed course for a specialist in the field of personal data protection, issued by IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals), 2018.

Completed a course and acquired legal capacity as a mediator in 2016.

Knowledge of foreign languages:

English, French, German