/ Practice Areas / Dispute resolution
Dispute resolution
Successfully defending the rights of our clients in litigation and arbitration is our mission, to which we dedicate a significant part of our time and focus. Therefore, Bozhikov & Vatev Law Firm specializes in litigation in civil, commercial and administrative cases, including:
Proceedings for settling of commercial disputes
Proceedings for the collection of receivables
Debenture disputes arising from bond relations: contractual default; unjust enrichment; tort damage
Commercial insolvency and stabilization
Property disputes: disputes over property and the existence and exercise of limited property rights, as well as judicial divisions, disputes over possession
Administrative disputes
Tax disputes; appeals against revision acts
Administrative penal cases; appeals against penal decrees, property sanctions and fines
Labour disputes: representation and protection in dismissal disputes and claims for benefits
Representation in arbitration cases
Representation in security and enforcement proceedings.