/ Practice Areas / Medical law
Medical law
Bozhikov & Vatev Law Firm specializes in providing services in the field of medical law and provides legal advice to both medical institutions and patients.
Atty Vladislav Bozhikov has been specializing in the field for years, having extensive experience in providing legal protection and counsel on the following topics:
• Structure and management of medical institutions
• Relationships with patients, providers of medicines and services and administrative bodies (National Health Insurance Fund, Ministry of Health, Executive Agency “Medicinal Supervision” and others)
• Specific relations between medical establishments established by the state or the municipality and their principal
• Regulation of the medical profession, disputes between doctors, health care professionals and other medical professionals and medical institutions, administrative bodies, patients, education bodies and others
• Assistance in resolving disputes related to the supply of medicinal products and medical devices
• Clinical trials and regulation of the relationship between the participants in the assignment, execution and payment of clinical trials.