Bozhikov & Vatev Law Firm is registered in the register of law firms under company file № 42/2020 of the Sofia City Court, Company Department, batch № 594, Volume XI, p. 141. 

Bozhikov & Vatev Law Firm, UIC: 177466937, address: Sofia, postal code, 1000, 91 Georgi Rakovski Str., floor 1, office 1, has the following scope of activity: joint practice of the legal profession – rendering legal protection and assistance to Bulgarian and foreign individuals and legal entities, expressed in providing of legal advice, consultations and opinion on all matters of law in written and oral form, preparation of all papers and legal documentation and implementation of procedural and extra-procedural representation of clients of the company to protect their rights and legitimate interests and any other activity related to the practice of the legal profession.

Managing partners in the company are Atty Vladislav Biserov Bozhikov, member of the Sofia Bar Association, and Atty Benislav Tsankov Vatev, member of the Sofia Bar Association.